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Archaeoastronomy papers by Alexander Thom and family


A. Thom (Alexander Thom)

Alexander Thom


Thom, A. (1954). The solar observatories of megalithic man. Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 64, 396–404.


Thom, A. (1955). A statistical examination of the megalithic sites in Britain, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, A118, 275–295.


Thom, A. (1961). The egg-shaped standing stone rings of Britain, Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences, 14, 56–57, 291–303.


Thom, A. (1961). The geometry of megalithic man, Mathematical Gazette, 45, 83–93.


Thom, A. (1962). The megalithic unit of length, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, A125, pt. 2, 243–251.


Thom, A. (1964). Megalithic geometry in standing stones, New Scientist, 21, 690–691.


Thom, A. (1964). Observatories in ancient Britain, New Scientist, 23, 17–19.


Thom, A. (1964). The larger units of length of megalithic man. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (General)., 127, 527–533.


Thom, A. (1966). Megalithic astronomy: Indications in standing stones, Vistas in Astronomy, 7, 1–57.


Thom, A. (1966). Lunar observatories of megalithic man, Nature, 212, 1527–1528.


Thom, A. (1966). Time-keeping with standing stones, New Scientist, 32, 719–721.


Thom, A. (1966). Megaliths and mathematics, Antiquity, 40, 121–128.


Thom, A. (1967). Megalithic sites in Britain. Oxford University Press, Oxford. [Book]


Thom, A. (1968). Prehistoric observatories, New Scientist, 32, 719–721.


Thom, A. (1968). The metrology and geometry of cup and ring marks, Systematics, 6, 173–189.


Thom, A. (1969). Glastonbury as a possible megalithic observatory. In M. Williams (ed.), Glastonbury: A study in patterns, p. 5–7. London: RILKO.


Thom, A. (1969). The lunar observatories of megalithic man, Vistas in Astronomy, 11, 1–29.


Thom, A. (1969). The geometry of cup-and-ring marks, Transactions of Ancient Monuments Society, 16 (new series), 77–87.


Thom, A. (1970). Observing the moon in megalithic times, Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 80, 93–99.


Thom, A. (1970). The megaliths of Carnac, The Listener, 84, 900-901.


Thom, A. (1971). Megalithic lunar observatories. Oxford University Press, Oxford. [Book]


Thom, A. (1974). A megalithic lunar observatory in Islay, Journal for the History of Astronomy, 5, 50–51.


Thom, A. (1974). Astronomical significance of prehistoric monuments in Western Europe, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, A276, 149–156.


Thom, A. (1984). Moving and Erecting Menhirs, Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 50, 382–384.


A. Thom and A. S. Thom (Alexander Thom and Archibald Stevenson Thom)


Thom, A., and Thom, A. S. (1971). The astronomical significance of the large Carnac menhirs, Journal for the History of Astronomy, 1, 147–160.


Thom, A., and Thom, A. S. (1972). The Carnac Alignments, Journal for the History of Astronomy, 3, 11–26.


Thom, A., and Thom, A. S. (1972). The uses of the alignments at Le Ménec Carnac. Journal for the History of Astronomy, 3, 151-164.


Thom, A., and Thom, A. S. (1973). A megalithic lunar observatory in Orkney: the Ring of Brodgar and its cairns, Journal for the History of Astronomy, 4, 111–123.


Thom, A., and Thom, A. S. (1973). The Kerlescan cromlechs, Journal for the History of Astronomy, 4, 168-173.


Thom, A., and Thom, A. S. (1974). The Kermario alignments, Journal for the History of Astronomy, 5, 30–47.


Thom, A., and Thom, A. S. (1975). Further work on the Brogar lunar observatory. Journal for the History of Astronomy, 6, 100-114.


Thom, A., and Thom, A. S. (1977). Megalithic astronomy. The Journal of Navigation, 30, 1–14.


Thom, A., and Thom, A. S. (1977). A fourth lunar foresight for the brogan ring, Journal for the History of Astronomy, 8, 54–56.


Thom A., and Thom A. S. (1978). Megalithic remains in Britain and Brittany. Oxford University Press, Oxford [book]


Thom A., and Thom A. S. (1978). Rings and menhirs: geometry and astronomy in the neolithic age, in E. C. Krupp, ed. In search of ancient astronomies, 39–80.


Thom A., and Thom A. S. (1978). A reconsideration of the lunar sites in Britain, Journal for the History of Astronomy, 9, 170–179.


Thom A., and Thom A. S. (1979). Another lunar site in Kintyre, Journal for the History of Astronomy, 10, Archaeoastronomy Supplement (1), S97–S98.


Thom A., and Thom A. S. (1979). The Standing Stones in Argyllshire, Glasgow Archaeological Journal, 6, 5–10.


Thom A., and Thom A. S. (1980). A new study of all megalithic lunar lines, Journal for the History of Astronomy, 11, Archaeoastronomy Supplement (2), S78–S79.


Thom A., and Thom A. S. (1980). Astronomical foresights used by megalithic man, Journal for the History of Astronomy, 11, Archaeoastronomy Supplement (2), S90–S94.


Thom, A., and Thom, A. S. (1981). A lunar site in Sutherland, Journal for the History of Astronomy, 12, Archaeoastronomy Supplement (3), S71–S72.


Thom, A., and Thom, A. S. (1982). Statistical and philosophical arguments for the astronomical significance of standing stones with a section of the solar calendar, in Archaeology in the Old World, D. C. Heggie, ed., 53–82.


Thom, A., and Thom, A. S. (1983). Observation of the moon in megalithic times, Journal for the History of Astronomy, 14, Archaeoastronomy Supplement (5), S57–S66.


Thom, A., and Thom, A. S. (1984). The two major megalithic observatories in Scotland, Journal for the History of Astronomy, 15, Archaeoastronomy Supplement (7), S129–S148.


Thom, A., and Thom, A. S. (1988). The metrology and geometry of megalithic man, in Records in Stone: Papers in memory of Alexander Thom, C.L.N. Ruggles, ed. 132–151.


A. Thom, et al (often with Archibald Stevenson Thom and Alexander Strang Thom)


Thom, Alexander; Thom, Archibald S.; Merritt, Robert L.; Merritt, Andrew Lloyd  (1973). The astronomical significance of the Crucuno stone rectangle, Current Anthropology, 14, 450–454.


Thom, Alexander; Thom, Archibald Stevenson; Thom, Alexander Strang (1974). Stonehenge, Journal for the History of Astronomy, 5, 71–90.


Thom, Alexander; Thom, Archibald Stevenson; Thom, Alexander Strang (1975). Stonehenge as a Possible Lunar Observatory. Journal for the History of Astronomy, 6, 19-30.


Thom, Alexander; Thom, Archibald S.; Gorrie, J. M. (1976). The two megalithic lunar observatories at Carnac. Journal for the History of Astronomy, 7, 11-26.


Thom, Alexander; Thom, Archibald S.; Food, T. R. (1976). Avebury (1): A new assessment of the geometry and metrology of the ring, Journal for the History of Astronomy, 7, 183–192.


Thom, Alexander and Thom, Alexander Strang (1976). Avebury (2): A West Kennet Avenue, Journal for the History of Astronomy, 7, 193–197.


Thom, Alexander and Merritt, R. L. (1978). Some megalithic sites in Shetland, Journal for the History of Astronomy, 9, 54–60.


Thom, Alexander; Thom, Archibald Stevenson; Burl, Aubrey (1980). Megalithic rings : plans and data for 229 monuments in Britain, British Archaeological Reports British Series 81. [book]


Hawkins, Gerald S.; Thom, Alexander.; Thorpe, I. J.; Ellegard, Alvar (1982). On megalithic astronomy, Current Anthropology, 23, 218–222.


A. S. Thom (Archibald Stevenson Thom)


Thom, A .S. (1980). The stone rings of Beaghmore: Geometry and astronomy, Ulster Journal of Archaeology, 43, 15–19.


Thom, A .S. (1980). A solsticial site near Peterborough? Journal for the History of Astronomy, 11, Archaeoastronomy Supplement (2), S95.


Thom, A .S. (1981). Megalithic lunar observatories: An assessment of 42 lunar alignments, in Astronomy and society in Britain during the period 4000–1500 BC, C.L.N. Ruggles and A.W.R. Whittle, eds. British Archaeological Reports British Series 88, 13–61. [book]


Thom, A. S. (1984). The solar and lunar observatories of the megalithic astronomers, in Archaeoastronomy and the Roots of Science, E.C. Krupp, ed., 83–168. [book]


Thom, A. S. and Foord, T. R. (1977). The island of Eday, Journal for the History of Astronomy, 8, 198–199.


Thom, A. S. and Merritt, Robert L. (1983). Some stone rings in Scandinavia, Archaeological Journal, 140, 109–119.


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