Erastus and Margaret Varner family
Clyde and Minnie Varner family
Gayle and Martha Varner family
Gayle Varner photos
Brown family ancestors
Martha Brown photos
Banks family ancestors
Biographies and family pages are posted on WeRelate, the genealogy wiki. WeRelate is a free, cooperative site trying to build a single tree for humanity. Each person and each family should have only one page. Feel free to create source pages, and use these sources to edit the following pages or create new ones. You can write on my WeRelate talk page about the site in general, or about any of the individuals or families below. Each page also has its own talk page you can post comments on.
Only deceased individuals in my direct line are shown. Other people can be linked from the info box on the right of each page.
Gayle Garnet Varner — father (F)
Clyde Varner — paternal grandfather (FF)
Minnie Louise Hadley — paternal grandmother (FM)
Ira Scott Brown — maternal grandfather (MF)
Mildred Maurine Banks — maternal grandmother (MM)
Erastus Perry Varner — great grandfather (FFF)
Margaret Ann Loudermilk — great grandmother (FFM)
John William Hadley — great grandfather (FMF)
Georgia Ann Stroub — great grandmother (FMM)
William Henry Brown — great grandfather (MFF)
Martha Ann Fannin — great grandmother (MFM)
Charles Bolser Banks — great grandfather (MMF)
Daisy Della Beam — great grandmother (MMM)
Alexander Varner — 2G grandfather (FFFF)
Eunice Magnolia Johnson — 2G grandmother (FFFM)
Ananias Wesley Loudermilk — 2G grandfather (FFMF)
Frances Wheeler — 2G grandmother (FFMM)
Elijah Jackson Fannin — 2G grandfather (MFMF)
Jennett A. Brown — 2G grandmother (MFMM)
George Lovell Banks — 2G grandfather (MMFF)
Olive W. Chandler — 2G grandmother (MMFM)
George Washington Beam — 2G grandfather (MMMF)
Mary Ann Kaley — 2G grandmother (MMMM)