INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., April 9.―“Governors’ movement for Dixie Highway must not fail.” Such was the message Gov. Ralston sent today to Gov. Rye of Tennessee. The Southern executive yesterday telegraphed to Gov. Ralston questioning the advisability of proceeding under the highway plan adopted at the recent Governors’ conference at Chattanooga, Tenn., “in view of the action taken by C. E. James, as President of the Dixie Highway Association,
ignoring appointees of Governors and undertaking to fix the route.” Gov. Ralston’s message follows:
“Governors’ movement for Dixie Highway must not fail. Taggart and Fisher, Howell and Anderson, with their associate commissioners, will bring harmony out of confusion. Patience and conciliatory spirit are essential.”
Thomas Taggart, Democratic national committeeman, and Carl G. Fisher, a wealthy sportsman, are the Indiana highway commissioners named by Gov. Ralston last night. Clark Howell and W. T. Anderson are the Georgia commissioners.