Under the auspices of the National Highways Association, the National Old Trails Road Association, and the Automobile Club of Southern California it is proposed to run a transcontinental tour over the Old Trails route, leaving New York about the middle of June. The tour will be under the management of Elias Vander Horst and A. L. Westgard, Vice Presidents of the National Highways Association, and committees will be appointed from all the associations under whose auspices the trip will be held to assist in making the trip a success. Mr. Westgard, who has made ten transcontinental trips, will personally conduct the trip. Only new, seven-passenger cars will be used, and as only four passengers will be taken in each car the capacity to the trip is necessarily limited. Thomas Cook & Son will have charge of the hotel accommodations. Further information may be obtained from 18 Old Slip, New York City, the headquarters of the National Highways Association.