Auto trail associations in the Official Good Roads Year Book
Note: National, state and local good roads associations are not listed. These are only specific highway associations.
National Old Trails Road Association
Officers.—J. M. Lowe, president, Kansas City, Missouri; Harvey M. Shields, general vice-president, Dawson, New Mexico; Colonel Walter Williams, advisory vice-president, Columbia, Missouri; E. S. Ralph, Treasurer, Springfield, Ohio; Frank A. Davis, secretary, Kansas City, Missouri.
Headquarters.—222 Midland Building, Kansas City, Missouri.
Purpose.—To aid and encourage the building of roads particularly national highways and especially the Old Trails road leading from Washington, D. C, to the Pacific Ocean.
Southern National Highway
Officers.—Colonel Dell M. Potter of Clifton, Arizona, president; Colonel Bennehan Cameron of Stagville, North Carolina, general vice-president; Mr. D. R. Ellis of Clifton, Arizona, secretary; and Mr. F. W. Jackson of San Diego, California, treasurer. The vicepresidents for the various States are as follows: Alabama, Mr. W. S. Kellar of Montgomery; South Carolina, Mr. F. H. Hyatt of Columbia; North Carolina, Dr. C. P. Ambler of Asheville; Virginia, Mr. Preston Belvin of Richmond; Kentucky, Mr. James Maret of Mt. Vernon; Tennessee, Cyrus Kehr of Knoxville; Arizona, Mr. Patrick Rose of Globe; and California, Mr. A. S. Spalding of San Diego.
Headquarters.—Clifton, Arizona.
Purpose.—The purpose of the Association is to establish a transcontinental highway from Washington, D. C, to San Diego, California, by a route sufficiently far south to avoid the snows of the Rocky Mountains.
Capital Highway Association
Officers.—Leonard Tufts, president, Pinehurst, N. C; Allen Potts, vice-president of Virginia, Richmond, Va.; George W. Watts, vice-president of North Carolina, Durham, N. C; Dr. E. M. Whaley, vice-president of South Carolina, Columbia, S. C; W. E. Bush, vice-president of Georgia, Augusta, Georgia; Edwin W. Robertson, treasurer, Columbia, S. C; John R. McQueen, secretary, Pinehurst, N. C.
Purposes.—The object of the Association is to interest the people to build a road from Richmond, Virginia to Atlanta, Georgia, via Raleigh and Columbia and probably passing through Petersburg, Emporia, Henderson and Raleigh, or possibly via Clarksville, Oxford and Durham, from Raleigh the road will probably go via Fayetteville, Pinehurst, Rockingham, Cheraw, Darlington, Hartsville and Camden to Columbia. From thence to Atlanta via Augusta. The road will be approximately 700 miles long and of this 700 miles the Association has interested the people to build approximately 600 miles so far. The road from Fayetteville to Atlanta has all been built and for the most part has been fairly well maintained.
Quebec-Miami International Highway Association
Officers.—Howard D. Hadley, president, Plattsburgh, New York; George A. Simard, vice-president, care Franco-American Chemical Company, Montreal, P. Q.; N. M. Parrott, secretary, 763 Calvert Building, Baltimore, Md.
Board of directors are as follows: George A. Simard, Montreal, representing Quebec; Howard D. Hadley, Plattsburgh, representing New York State; Isaac Simonin, Germantown, representing Pennsylvania; Fred F. Smith, Bridgeton, representing New Jersey; Gen. T. Coleman du Pont, Wilmington, representing Delaware; Charles H. Dickey, Baltimore, representing Maryland; Leslie T. McCleary, Willaid Hotel, Washington, representing District of Columbia; Preston Belvin, Sr., Richmond, representing Virginia; Col. Bennehan Cameron, Stagville, representing North Carolina; E. J. Watson, Columbia, representing South Carolina; Joseph F. Gray, Savannah, representing Georgia; E. B. Douglass, Miami, representing Florida.
Headquarters.—Plattsburgh, New York (president's office); 763 Calvert Building, Baltimore, Maryland (secretary's office).
Purposes.—To bring about the building of a fine modern highway between Quebec, Canada and Miami, Florida, U. S. A.
To strive for wise, equitable and uniform road legislation in the States through which the "International Highway" is to run.
To advocate the correlation of all road construction so that the important roads of each Province, State and county shall connect with those adjoining, and the important roads of each nation may connect with those of adjoining nations.
To strive for the utilization of convict labor on highways, where that course is consistent with local policy, so as to involve the least possible competition with free labor, the utmost public benefit and a healthy moral and physical development of the convict.
To promote intercourse, peace, trade and friendly relations between Canada and the United States.
The New Santa Fe Trail
Officers.—R. H. Faxon, president, editor The Evening Telegram, president Kansas Development Association, chairman Kansas State conservation commission, Garden City, Kansas; J. R. Moorehead, vice-president Missouri Grand Division, Lexington, Missouri; O. M. Wilhite, vice-president Eastern Kansas Grand Division, Emporia, Kansas; E. E. Frizell, vice-president Western Kansas Grand Division, Mayor, Lamed, Kansas; R. H. Higgins, vice-president Colorado Grand Division, Pueblo, Colorado; R. E. Twitchell, vice-president New Mexico Grand Division, East Las Vegas, New Mexico; C. H. Scott, secretary-treasurer, Hutchinson, Kansas; H. H. Taylor, official pilot, Hutchinson, Kansas.
Headquarters.—Office The Evening Telegram, Garden City, Kansas; office The Daily News, Hutchinson, Kansas.
Purposes.—To promote the cause of good roads.
To construct and maintain an interstate highway.
To preserve the history, tradition, and romance of the Old Santa Fe Trail, the first highway of commerce and pioneering in the West.
To bring about wise and useful State roads legislation, as the organization has already done in the State of Kansas.
To project the gospel of, first, federal establishment of transcontinental highways; second, to bring about federal aid, in conjunction and cooperation with the several States.
To bring about definite State supervision of roads; the amendment of State constitutions which at present forbid "work of internal improvement," this organization believing and holding that roadmaking and road supervision are a State function; and to promote as an economical and sociological phase the utilization of convict labor; and to promote the doctrine that the cause of good roads presents the greatest economic, industrial, and social question in the country today.
Omaha-Lincoln-Denver Good Roads Association
Officers.—S. A. Searle, president, Omaha, Nebraska; W. A. Taylor, treasurer, Hastings, Nebraska; G.E. Parisoe, secretary, Minden, Nebraska; A. Barnett, first vice-president, McCook, Nebraska; C. E. Bowlby, second vice-president, Friend, Nebraska.
Santa Fe, Grand Canon, Needles, National Highway Association
Officers.—John R. Whiteside, M.D., president, Kingman, Arizona; E. F. Thompson, secretary, Kingman, Arizona; M. I. Powers, Treasurer, Flagstaff, Arizona. Vice-presidents: J. B. Gill, San Bernardino, California; G. D. Hutchinson, Barstow, California; L. V. Root, Needles, California; Carl G. Krook, Kingman, Arizona; E. S. Clark, Prescott, Arizona; J. S. Amundsen, Williams, Arizona; J. G. Verkamp, Flagstaff, Arizona; Harry Asbury, Winslow, Arizona; W. H. Clark, Holbrook, Arizona; Fred T. Colter, Springerville, Arizona; C. N. Cotton, Gallup, New Mexico; Sylvestre Mirabel, San Rafael, New Mexico.
Arkansas, Rio Grande, Gunnison and Grand River Highway Ass'n (Colorado)
C. R. McLain, president, Canon City.
Lincoln Highway Association of Colorado
Leonard E. Curtis, president, Colorado Springs.
Rocky Mountain Highway Association (Colorado)
River Road Association (Iowa)
J. W. Eichinger, secretary, Des Moines.
Golden Belt Road Association (Kansas)
G. E. Munzenmayer, president, Junction City; B. W. Smith, secretary, Manhattan.
Meridian Road Association (Kansas)
W. W. Watson, president, Salina; John C. Nicholson, secretary, Newton.
Old Santa Fe Trail Association (Kansas)
Frank A. Davis secretary, Herington
The Sunflower Trail (Kansas)
R. M. Anderson, president; Dr. C. B. Kern, secretary, Beloit.
Tri-State Trail Association (Kansas)
H. O. Douglas, president, Oberlin; Charles Sawyer, secretary, Norton.
Michigan Trunk Line Highway Association (Michigan)
George Hartrigh, president, Pinconing, Michigan.
Short Line Route Association (Missouri)
M. H. Hall, president, Tarkio; F. S. Traveis, secretary, Tarkio.
St. Joe-Des Moines Interstate Trail Association
W. A. Hopkins, president, Lamoni, Iowa; Daniel Anderson, secretary, Lamoni, Iowa.
Cannon Ball Trail Association (Missouri)
Jas. R. Bowsher, president, Leon, Iowa; Chas. D. Davis, secretary, Princeton.
St. Joe-Des Moines Ayr Line Association
A. I. Smith, president, Mt. Ayr, Iowa; H. C. Beard, secretary, Mt. Ayr, Iowa.
Sedalia-Springfield Highway Association (Missouri)
W. S. Jackson, president, Warsaw; M. V. Carroll, secretary, Sedalia.
Old Trails Road Association (Missouri)
Walter Williams, president, Columbia; E. H. Mitchell, secretary, Marshall.
Capitol Route State Highway Association (Missouri)
J. H. Bothwell, president, Sedalia; M. V. Carroll, secretary.
North Missouri Cross State Highway Association (Missouri)
George Robertson, president, Mexico; John F. Morton, secretary, Richmond.
Meridian Road Association (Nebraska)
Charles Baugh, secretary, York; R. L. Castile, Secretary, Stromsburg; F. O. Edgecomb, secretary, Geneva; G. W. Phillips, Secretary, Columbus; M. C. Garrett, secretary, Madison; A. Koyen, secretary, Norfolk.
Ocean to Ocean Highway Association (New Mexico)
R. E. Twitchell, vice-president, East Las Vegas.
Charlotte-Wilmington Highway Association (North Carolina)
A. D. Skelding, secretary, Charlotte.
Hutchinson County Meridian Road Club (South Dakota)
A. J. Waltner, secretary, Freeman.
Meridian Road Committee (South Dakota)
Henry S. Morris, chairman, Sisseton.
Memphis-Bristol Highway Association (Tennessee)
George A. Gowan, president, 1201 Woodland Street; C. C. Gilbert, secretary, Stahlman Building, Nashville.