American Roads Forum

American Roads Discussion => General American Road Topics => Topic started by: jeff s on October 18, 2012, 07:06:09 PM

Title: Maps I have found.
Post by: jeff s on October 18, 2012, 07:06:09 PM
Found five maps from the National Highway Assoc. They are lithoggraphs by the A.Hoen & Co Baltimore Md. These maps are proposed routes for interstate highways. Can't find anything like them on the www. They are; Theodore Roosevelt International Highway 52" x 18", Linchon Highway 45 1/2" x 15", National Park to Park Highway 30" x 21", Lee Highway 45" x 17 1/2", and National Roosevelt Midland Trail 43" x 16". All dated 1923.
Title: Re: Maps I have found.
Post by: Parsa on October 18, 2012, 10:28:53 PM
Yes, I have hi-res scans of some older versions of these maps... about a dozen now I think.
The National Highways Association was an early Good Roads organization that promoted many of the first auto trails. The oldest maps date to around 1915.
Here's a 1927 National Park to Park Highway map (click for full map):

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Title: Re: Maps I have found.
Post by: jeff s on October 20, 2012, 04:01:35 AM
I will try to get some pictures posted after I find a value and are authenticated. I do not believe my maps are scans or copies but original lithographs. Either way they are cool.
Title: Re: Maps I have found.
Post by: jeff s on October 20, 2012, 04:19:07 AM
Just took a good look at Your map. No doubt a later version of mine. Same cartographer. Where did You find this map? Who has the original? So many questions, so few answers. I need to stablize my maps. I don't want to handle them to much for they are fragle. Thanks for the look  :).
Title: Re: Maps I have found.
Post by: Parsa on October 20, 2012, 05:39:23 PM
I had hi-res scans sent to me on CD-ROM of several maps owned by the American Geographical Society Library ( The collection is a cataloged part of the University of Wisconsin library. Fortunately, these maps were sent directly to the AGS as they were produced in the 1910s and 1920s, so they were in mint condition and perfect for scanning. UC Berkeley also has a collection of NHA maps.

As I recall, my map of the National Park to Park Highway was one I photographed at the UCSD map collection in San Diego. I took all the best images and used Photoshop to patch them back together. I don't think they have a large map scanner there, as their map collection is just stuck in the social sciences section of the library. No dedicated map librarian or section I think. They have no actual map library like the one I recall at the University of Arizona, or the ones in Texas and Alabama.

I'll list the ones I have (all digital) below:

I think I also have a couple NHA maps glued onto the covers of old Lincoln Highway and National Old Trails Road books that are actual maps, not digital.

There's about 17 more digital maps I've located that I may purchase in the future.

Title: Re: Maps I have found.
Post by: jeff s on October 28, 2012, 03:10:59 AM
Am going to an appraisel show today at a local historical sociaty. 20 bucks per appraisel. Hope to get authentication on lothographs and maybe some kind of value before spending big bucks on restoration. Will keep you posted on progress.
Title: Re: Maps I have found.
Post by: Parsa on October 29, 2012, 08:23:41 AM
I spent the money to get supplies to restore my own maps. Both white and transparent archival tape, etc. It works for me as it makes them usable and serviceable. Surely, the maps are worth something, but most collectors seems to go for oil company maps and official state maps. I've seen Rand McNally auto trail maps go for 5 times higher price just because the sponsor was an oil company like Standard Oil instead of say a flour company... same map though.
Title: Re: Maps I have found.
Post by: jeff s on November 03, 2012, 06:30:51 AM
Our home was built around 1900. One of the former owners was an early Ford dealer. This is most likely the source of the maps. The appraiser said that they are original lithographs with a value of $50 to $60 each.
Title: Re: Maps I have found.
Post by: Parsa on November 03, 2012, 10:52:30 AM
That sounds like a fair assessment. However, value in this case also depends on the nostalgia value of the map in question. You might get a lot more for the Lincoln Highway map than the other for instance.

In terms of road trips, the most interesting to me is the National Park to Park Highway. I did an exploratory trip along the California and Oregon section of that highway the summer before last. It was quite fun, and I was able to camp for free or for a few dollars in many areas due to all the public lands I was traveling through.