This is the home for threads about the National Old Trails Ocean to Ocean Highway. The road was composed of many of America's oldest and most traveled pioneer trails, including the National Road, the Santa Fe Trail, and the Boone's Lick Trail among others. The beginning of the road as an auto route goes back to 1902, making this one of America's first national auto trails. Much of the NOTR in the west eventually became famous Route 66.
This board is for topics realted to the NOTR, its old trails, and the famous Madonnas of the Trail.
Maybe some of you would be interested in browsing the "Interactive Santa Fe Trail" web site at ( for history, travel, people, books, and more about the trail.
Thanks for the link. For those that don't know, one of the historic trails that the National Old Trails Roads followed was the Santa Fe Trail.
Perhaps you can start threads discussing that section of the Road. Feel free to include maps, photos, etc. On my Route 66 site I have some photos of the section between La Vegas, NM and Santa Fe, including some of the commerative markers.